Fili Luna Wins Shonen Jump San Fran

A basically unknown duelist has managed a SJC victory. Part of Team Outphase, Fili Luna blazed through the finals with a 2-0 record, wielding a Toolbox Warrior deck that left the audience simply stunned.

He took the game to Comic Odyssey’s new member Matt Laurents, and continued on to knock out Michael Bueno for the prize. This being the last Shonen Jump of the year, it was quite a treat to have someone so unrecognized by the YGO community smash his opposition. Congratulations to Fili Luna, and Team Outphase with leader Jason Holloway. It was certainly a victory well earned.

In other news, SJC has taken to Canada. SJC Hamilton will be Canada’s first SJC ever. This is sure to attract tons of duelists from not just Canada, but a good part of the States as well. This will likely be my own first SJC, and I hope to see you all there.


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