The first ever Team YCS started with 556 3-person teams. After 10 rounds of Swiss and 4 rounds of Single Elimination, Team TCG Collectibles Fala Galera from South America bested all other teams to win it all and share the title of YCS Champions! Michel Verrissimo Da Silva Luiz from Brazil played Sky Striker, Paulo Roberto Goncalves da Silva from Brazil also played Sky Striker and Hector Lorenzo Perez Herrera from Chile played Salamangreat on their way to a YCS Championship.
The first ever Team YCS comes 2 weeks after the Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational Winter 2019 where Salamangreat, boosted by Structure Deck: Soulburner, took the strategy to new heights..
Congratulations to our Team YCS Champions!
Team YCS Atlanta: Dragon Duel Playoff Winner
Congratulations to the winner of the Dragon Duel playoff: Kenta Lee!
Kenta won Sunday’s Dragon Duel and the Dragon Duel Playoff with Salamangreats! He is taking home a Set of Darklord YCS Prize Cards: Darklord Asmodeus, Darklord Edeh Arae and Darklord Superbia! Congratulations Kenta!
Team YCS Atlanta: Public Event Playoffs Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of the Public Events Playoffs!
Winner of the Points playoff: José Osores, from Peru, playing Salamangreat
Winner of the Random playoff: Henry Ferchau, from Floral Park, New York, playing Danger! Orcus
Team YCS Atlanta: ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Winners
Congratulations to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of Sunday’s ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Tournament!
Congratulations to our Top 3 of the Saturday’s ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Tournament!
Last weekend also saw debut of a new Win-A-Mat featuring Mai Valentine alongside the new Harpie Monsters featured in Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the Rose!
30 Duelists walked away with the new Win-A-Mats as 30 separate Win-A-Mat tournaments were run over the last 2 days. This Win-A-Mat will also be available at upcoming Regional Qualifiers and YCS events!