Tag Archives: Events

YCS Guadalajara: And the Winners are…

It was a busy and exciting weekend in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico! The event started with 788 Duelists looking to become the YCS Guadalajara Champion, and one was found in Ramiro Garcia! He took Danger! Lunalight Orcust – a Deck that has been rising in popularity since YCS Portland some weeks ago – to a win there in Mexico.... Read More

YCS Niagara Falls: And the Winners are…

A Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (YCS Niagara Falls) has taken place in Niagara Falls, ON on September 21 – 22, 2019!

A Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series (YCS Niagara Falls) is a big, exciting 2-day event that takes place from Saturday to Sunday. Duelists from all over will attend to compete for exclusive prizes, earn invites to their World Championship Qualifier, and spend the weekend Dueling, trading, and hanging out with hundreds of other Yu-Gi-Oh! fans.... Read More

YCS Portland: And the Winners are…

Yu-Gi-Oh! CHAMPIONSHIPThe first YCS of the season, YCS Portland, has come to a close. It was an amazing weekend with some amazing Dueling. Officials and duelist’s saw that the format is now quite balanced overall, with a wide representation of Decks in the Top 32. Sky Strikers, Salamangreats, Thunder Dragons, Crusadia, Altergeists, Endymion Pendulums, and a lot of different Orcust variants were all played this weekend – and those are just the most popular ones. There were breakout performances from Nekroz, Subterrors, Crusadia Thunder hybrids, and the one everyone’s talking about, a Golden Castle of Stromberg Deck using Gren Maju Da Eiza.... Read More

UDS Invitational Indianapolis – And the Winner is…

The UDS Invitational excitement is over! 277 Duelists have been pared down to just 1 winner – David Flores from Houston, Texas!

The Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Summer 2019, held in Indianapolis, IN, is finished! David Flores bested a field of 277 Duelists with his Thunder Dragon Deck and claimed the title of Ultimate Duelist and took home the UDS Championship Belt!... Read More


Yu-Gi-Oh! World has new details to share about the upcoming TRADING CARD GAME 2019-2020 tournament season, kicking off the weekend of August 16 with the Ultimate Duelist Series – 2019 Summer Invitational (UDS) in Indianapolis, Indiana, where North America’s greatest will go head-to-head in a brand-new format. Duelists will compete for the title of Ultimate Duelist and one of the coolest prizes in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG today: the Ultimate Duelist Championship Title Belt.... Read More

Konami Brings YU-Gi-Oh! TCG to Gamescom 2019

Konami has announced details of the activities and products that will be possible to play at this year’s Gamescom (August 20-24) in Cologne, Germany.

Konami is pleased to announce its complete program for Gamescom 2019, revealing all the news that will be presented on eFootball PES 2020, Contra: Rogue Corps and Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.... Read More

Yu-Gi-Oh! Extravaganza at San Diego Comic Con 2019

A Yu-Gi-Oh! Extravaganza Event is coming to San Diego Comic Con 2019!

An Extravaganza is a chance to compete in Yu-Gi-Oh! events outside of a YCS in a Convention atmosphere. Duelists will have opportunities to play in events like ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!!, Win-A-Mat tournaments and even try to earn an invite to the NAWCQ in Regional Qualifiers!... Read More