Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
Key features:
- Genre: TCG Strategy
- Origin: Japan
- Number of Players: 1, Multiplayer online
- System Support: PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam, iOS, and Android
Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL lets players old and new enjoy the hugely popular Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG in digital form. Players across the globe can compete in intense collectible card Duels, both thrilling to play and watch.
Tips, Guides, and How-tos
- Basic How to Guide
- How to link Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel account with Konami ID
- Master Duel Secret Packs
Getting Started – the basics:
Our guide through the all-important first steps towards claiming the Master Duel crown: how to navigate the main menu and edit your profile.
Official video – main menu and profile set up.
To change the profile name in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, click on the profile at the top of the screen. From here, select the Edit function to change this information.
Select the ‘Player Name’ option, and everything should be good to go from here. Enter the desired player name, but be mindful of the restrictions. Player names in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel must be between three and 12 characters long. If you were planning on a longer name, make sure to condense it before getting it to this part.
How to change your Mate (Mascot)
Mates will be somewhat of a central part of the dueling experience. Mates are essentially mascots. These figures will be present on the side of the field during a duel in Master Duel. Because of this, changing which character you want on the sidelines during a duel might be important for many users in the game.
So, how can you change the Mate in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel? Let’s take a look.
Changing the Mate work much the same as the ones for modifying the profile name. To change the Mate in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, click on the profile at the top of the screen. From here, select the Edit function to change this information. Then, select the ‘Mate’ option, and a variety of different mascots should appear. We should note that these Mates generally feature Yu-Gi-Oh! monsters.
Additionally, users will be able to buy Mates via the Master Duel shop. New Mates can be found at the Accessories portion of the Shop in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel.
All the Mates in Yugioh Master Duel
So who are all the mates available in Master Duel?
Here are all the mates available as of Jan 2022. AIt’s worth noting that some are acting as placeholders in the image below.
- Rescue Rabbit
- Ritual Raven
- Dark Magician
- Borreload Dragon
- Cyber Dragon Infinity
- Ancient Gear Wyvern
- Sangan
- World Chalice Guarddragon
- Salamangreat Gazelle
- Pot of Greed (Pog)
- Ash Blossom of Joyeous Spring
- Geargiano
- Karakuri Barrel MDL 96 “Shinkuro”
- Wightbaking
- Instant Fusion
- Noble Arms – Caliburn
- Book of Moon
- Qliphort Monolith
- Scapegoat
- Bitron
- Moai Interceptor Canons
- Mokey Mokey
- Shard of Greed
- D/D Ghost
The rest are placeholders!
Remember, none of these mates actually affect the game, they’re purely cosmetic!
Solo Mode
To start, players will be given multiple tutorials that are geared to help new and returning players get back into the swing of playing Yu-Gi-Oh! The specifics of Solo Mode are still a bit vague, but for now, we know that once the main tutorial is completed, the game will introduce players to different deck types that focus on various styles of play.
Five themes have been confirmed for Solo Mode so far:
- Monarch: Description Unavailable
- Digital Bug: Description Unavailable
- Qliphort: [The Colossal Mechanical Conch] With their varied effects and Pendulum Summons, the mighty power of the “Qliphort” mobile weapons is unleashed when their systems are connected. Behold their mutated powers that control all life!
- World Chalice: [Chosen by the World Legacy] Channel the “World Chalice” with Link Summons that utilize Normal Monsters to Summon more powerful Monsters, and face off against the “Krawlers” using the “World Armor”, which has a powerful effect when Flipped. The battle for the World Legacy begins..!
- Gem Knight: [The Pyroxene Warriors] “Gem-Knights” boast a variety of Fusion Spells and Fusion Monsters. The power of Pyroxene fosters miracles!
- The Glory of the Gladiator Beasts (Gladiator Beasts)
- Studying the Origins of the Karakuri (Karakuri)
- Specter Slaying Flames (Shiranui)
- Gears of Justice dispatch! (Geargia)
- Digital Bugs in Cyberspace (Digital Bug)
- The Steam Dinosaurs of Uncharted Lands (Dinomist)
- The Colossal Majestic Conch (Qliphort)
- The Legend of the Star Heroes Chosen by the World Legacy (World Chalice)
- Gift of the Martyr (World Legacy)
In each of these scenarios, players will learn how to play using a specific deck, while also discovering lore and background stories for cards, archetypes, and how they fit into the larger Yu-Gi-Oh! universe. That latter detail is something fans are very excited about, as this will be a return to storylines like Hidden Arsenal and Duel Terminal.
Each Solo Mode campaign consists of four types of events, spread out along a branching pathway.
- Scenario – Animation to introduce new pieces of the ongoing lore/story.
- Practice – A scripted Duel designed to assist new players in understanding the deck theme and general card mechanics.
- Duel – A traditional best of one duel played against the AI using a pre-determined loaner deck.
- Goal – Ending animation to wrap up the story/card lore being told.
The Yugioh Master Duel Solo mode is very generous in the rewards department. In fact, it is recommended that every single player complete the story mode because it will do wonders for their account progression. Here is a breakdown of what players can get from the Yugioh Master Duel Story mode.
- Duel Strategy: 2400 gems, 1x Raigeki, 1x Monster Reborn and 1x Reinforcement of the Army
- Each story chapter (14 of them): 200 gems each (2800 gems total)
- Solo Mode duel missions: 3600 gems, 100 SR CP and 100 UR CP
- Solo Gate missions: 1200 gems
For completing the entire Solo mode campaign, players will receive 10,000 gems, three staple UR cards, 100 SR CP and 100 UR CP. That is a grand total of 100 packs and three of any Ultra Rare and Super Rare card in the game. This alone can get any player any deck they want in the game for free.
Deck Building & Card Generating
To start, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel will allow players to have a max of 20 decks saved to their account for easy access. Each deck can also save its own cosmetics, such as card case, sleeves, and Duel Fields—making it easy to fully customize not only the cards, but also the visual style of every deck in your arsenal.
In the Deck Building menu, players will also be able to set up to three main cards that will be displayed when hovering over the deck in any menu. This will let you double-check the core contents of any deck without needing to open them individually.
The deck builder menu will look fairly similar to that of other Yu-Gi-Oh! games from the past, including Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. However, there are many features and visuals that make Master Duel stand out, such as the ability to search not only through the cards that you own, but also through the entire 10,000+ cards available in the game.
If you don’t own a card, you can easily find out where to get it by using the “How to Obtain” option under the card’s description box. You can still narrow your search by Monster Type, Card Type, Level, and more criteria.
Card Generation
The card generation feature allows players to generate cards using a material known as Craft Points. These Craft Points can be obtained by competing in duels, completing missions, or dismantling cards that you have too many copies of.
The example shown in the video above displayed a Rare card being dismantled and giving the player 10 Rare Craft Points. The copy of Sengenjin that the player was trying to generate cost 30 Rare Craft Points, meaning players will likely need to dismantle three cards of the same rarity to generate a card in that rarity using this method. This does not account for other rarities or reveals whether high-usage-rate cards will be more costly to generate.
Another new feature is the Public Decks section of the deck builder, which will let you view decks made by other duelists. There is also a tagging feature that will let you search between different types of decks, such as those used in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series or just casually.
While using this feature, you can check which cards you own from each deck and even directly copy the deck list to your saved decks.
How to get Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon is an iconic card in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!. This card was the ace monster of Seto Kaiba in the Duel Monsters TV series, and Kaiba used any opportunity he could to bring his monstrous dragon out to the field.
The Blue-Eyes White Dragon is an UR card in the game. How can you add the big dragon to your collection?
Let’s take a look.
To get the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, one of two tasks must be met. One option is to buy packs with Master Duel’s currency: Gems. Blue-Eyes White Dragon can be found in Legacy bonus packs or the Power of the Dragon starter deck. The latter contains two copies of Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Alternatively, Blue-Eyes can be created through the crafting system. Since it is a UR card, users will need 30 CP-UR points in order to craft one copy of Kaiba’s ace monster.
To craft the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, go to the Deck section, find a deck, select the edit option, and search for it on the right-hand side of the screen. Then, find it and hit LT/L2/ZL to bring up the craft prompt.
How to dismantle extra cards
It’s really easy to craft cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel but it comes at the price of using crafting material. That’s where the extra cards come into play. Players can easily dismantle any cards they don’t want or need in their collection through this simple and easy Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel dismantle extra cards guide.
Step 1: Head to the Deck Builder
On the main menu, there is a tab labeled “Deck” on the left-hand side of the screen. Select that menu option and then go to an already existing deck or make a new one. This part does not matter as long as players get onto the deck builder screen.
Step 2: Select the menu on the top right of the Deck Builder
When players get to the deck builder screen, they will notice a menu bar on the top right hand of the screen that looks like a square with three lines on top of each other. When players click on this square they will be given three choices in a submenu. These choices are labeled “Dismantle All Extra Cards,” “Dismantle Selected Cards” and “Draw 5 sample cards.” From here players can dismantle cards in batches.
If players want to dismantle a bunch of cards they don’t want they can select the Dismantle Selected Cards option which will allow players to dismantle up to 60 cards at once.
For players that just want to dismantle any extra copies of a card they have more than three of, they can hit the Dismantle All Extra Cards option and it will bring up a screen notifying the player how much crafting material they will earn doing this option and a screen asking them if they are sure they want to do it.
Once a player dismantles a card the decision cannot be reversed.
The Shop Features:
Adding to your card collection has never been easier with Master Duel’s intuitive and interactive Shop! Find all the Packs, Decks, and Accessories that you could wish for, here at your fingertips.
Multiple different types of packs will be available to purchase using Gems, the in-game currency for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel in the shop or store.
Gems can be earned through completing missions, challenges, and other in-game events, though there is likely going to be an announcement about how microtransactions play into the system soon.
Users can purchase an individual pack from sets they need to build out their collection in the Pack tab of the shop. Each pack’s menu will show the highlighted cards from that set, the odds for pulling said cards, and how much each pack will cost.
In the example, each pack will cost 100 Gems, but you can also purchase 10 packs for 1,000 Gems and guarantee yourself at least one Super Rare card for no additional cost.
Players can also purchase entire decks from the Structure Deck tab, giving them easy access to building around certain archetypes easily. And, unlike in Duel Links, you can purchase up to three copies of each Structure Deck only using Gems—at least in the build used for the overviews.
In addition, the Accessories tab gives players access to their Duel Mates—monsters that represent the player on their selected Duel Field. It also hosts the areas where users can purchase different Duel Fields, Card Protectors, and Icons.
There was also a Special tab in the shop, but it will likely only be available when promotions or sales are live in Master Duel.
Battle Pass Guide
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has two different Battle Passes, the Normal Pass and the Gold Pass, which grants duelists various levels of rewards.
uelists can earn rewards by playing Ranked Duels with the Duel Pass. The Duel Pass is Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel’s version of a Battle Pass, and, like other games with Battle Passes, the Duel Pass rewards players with in-game Gems, Craft Points, and cosmetics.
Players have the choice between a Normal Duel Pass and a Gold Duel Pass.
The Normal Duel Pass in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel grants players rewards up to level 50. The Normal Duel Pass is given to players automatically and is completely free.
The Gold Duel Pass allows Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel players to earn rewards all the way up to level 100. The Gold Duel Pass is available for purchase in the shop with in-game Gems.
Each Duel Pass lasts about 70 to 80 days, giving players roughly two months to complete their Duel Pass before it expires.
Players will also have 30 days to claim their rewards after the Duel Pass expires, and any rewards left unclaimed will be gifted automatically once players open the Duel Pass page again.
Any rewards that don’t fit in the player’s inventory will be sent straight to the Gift Box, which can be accessed from the main menu.
The first Duel Pass will end on April 3, 2022.
How to get more gems
There are plenty of ways to get more gems in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, including ways to earn them for free and buy them with real money.
If you want to earn gems for free, you can:
- Duel other players in online ranked duels
- Complete solo matches
- Complete missions (in-game objectives)
- Earn gems through the Duel Pass
As you can see, there are several ways to get more gems in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. They mostly come down to completing matches (either solo play or ranked online duels) and completing objectives, which you can access through the missions tab (the flag icon). There are some limited-time missions that you should aim to complete quickly before they disappear, but there are also plenty of missions that will stay forever until completed.
Duel Mode
Throw yourself into Ranked Duels and climb the ladder all the way to the top, or unwind and experiment with your friends in Free Duels!
How to surrender
To surrender a duel in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, press the Menu (XB) / Options (PS) / – (NS) button, depending on what platform you are on. If you are playing on a PC mobile or the Nintendo Switch in handheld mode, hit the Settings icon on the top-left part of the screen.
How to link Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel account with Konami ID
Users can carry progress made in Master Duel over from console to console. But in order to do this, you must first link a Master Duel account with a Konami ID. Here’s what you need to know.
To link a Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel account with a Konami ID, you must first go through the initial setup for a profile. This includes tutorials, setting a profile name, and downloading any additional updates to the title before entering the Main Menu for the first time.
From here, go to the Main Menu, and select the Submenu. Then, scroll down to the ‘Customer Support’ section and select ‘Data Transfer.’
Here, you can receive a link and QR code to link the Master Duel account with a Konami ID profile. Pick one to begin the process. Regardless of which method is chosen, the link or QR code will re-direct users to the Konami ID account site. Sign in to the website, and the process will be taken care of from there.
Once that is completed, you will then be able to link other platforms with that ID. To do this, select the Submenu, which can be accessed by hitting Menu/Start/+, at the start menu when booting up Master Duel for the first time. Then, go through the process of signing into the Konami ID, in order to link the ID with the platform.
Master Duel Secret Packs
Each of the Structure Decks is built around one, and by building your deck around a specific group of monsters, you can take it from a pile of cards thrown together into a well-oiled and optimised duelling machine.
With this in mind, Master Duel has Secret Packs. Time-limited booster packs tailored specifically to your favourite archetypes, a big part of the game revolves around finding and unlocking these packs.
Here is everything you need to know about Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel’s Secret Packs.
What Are Secret Packs?
Secret Packs are booster packs, just like the usual Master Pack or Selection Pack you can buy through the store.
However, Secret Packs differ in a few important ways. First, they all focus on a different archetype. If you need more cards for your Inzektor deck, the Insect Metamorphosis Secret Pack will give you a lot of what you need. Likewise, Toontastic is full of things for the ever-popular Toon archetype, like Toon Kingdom, Toon Black Luster Soldier, and the Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon.
Each pack costs 100 gems and includes eight cards. Four of them will be guaranteed ‘feature cards’ that directly fit the archetype, while the other four could be virtually anything.
The catch is Secret Packs are tricky to find. Not only do you have to unlock them, they’re only available for 24 hours when you do. In that 24 hours, you can buy as many as you want, but after the time is up you’ll have to re-discover it to find more. Fortunately, finding Secret Packs is pretty easy, and there are ways of extending the countdown if you need more time to scrounge up some gems.
Finding Secret Packs
There are two ways to find a Secret Pack.
The first is just through opening any kind of booster pack. Each SR (Super Rare) or UR (Ultra Rare) rarity card you pull will unlock the Secret Pack it is a “featured card” for. For instance, if you open a normal booster pack and find a Naturia Landoise, you’ll unlock Denizens of the Sacred Tree Grove, the Naturia-themed Secret Pack.
The second way to unlock a pack is by crafting either an SR or UR card through the deck builder. When you do, you’ll either unlock its related Secret Pack, or potentially even be awarded with one free to open.
Importantly, doing either of these things will also reset that Secret Pack’s timer back to 24 hours.
Secret Pack List
Packs are rated in three key areas: power, technical, and “Hold the Line”. Power relates to how strong and heavy-hitting a deck is, while technical is about how tricky the deck is to pilot (IE how beginner-friendly it is). Hold the Line is a strange rating, as nobody’s entirely sure yet what it means. Konami hasn’t confirmed the rating, but it appears to be related to the defence capabilities of the cards.
Here is a list with packs we know about now and will be updated as new packs are discovered.
Pack Name | Power | Technical | Hold the Line |
Destiny’s Sorceress | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Sword of the Seventh One | 4 | 2 | 2 |
Insect Metamorphosis | 5 | 2 | 4 |
Enchanted Threads of Shade | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Number Recall | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Three-Strike Success | 5 | 3 | 4 |
Traditions of Trickery | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Tournament Athletes | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Souls of the Sublime Gods | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Champions of Hope | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Nebula Cyclone | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Essence of Flora and Ocean | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Galaxy War | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Valiant Gladiator Beasts | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Gods of Abyss and Arcadia | 4 | 4 | 3 |
The First Heroes | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Soaring on Darkest Wings | 4 | 3 | 4 |
Indomitable Knights | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Invulnerable Iron Wings | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Bujin’s Vault of Heaven | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Warriors Unite! | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Toontastic | 3 | 4 | 3 |
Rapid Aircraft Advancement | 5 | 3 | 4 |
Secret Fighters | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Space-Time Transcendents | 4 | 4 | 3 |
The Infinite Void | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Immortal Royalty | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Dragon Luster | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Denizens of the Sacred Tree Grove | 2 | 4 | 2 |
Fires of This World and the Next | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Supernatural Elements | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Cosmic Mechanical Entities | 4 | 3 | 4 |
Seekers of Witchcraft | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Shot Through Fiction | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Glacial Seal | 3 | 4 | 4 |
Primordial Rising | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Dreadnought Advance | 5 | 2 | 2 |
Immovable Samurai | 5 | 3 | 3 |
Beloved Dolls | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Exquisite Jet-Black Rose | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Neo Space Comrades | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Star-Studded Futures | 5 | 4 | 4 |
The Darkness Amuses | 4 | 3 | 3 |
Screenshots and images:
For more information on Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, visit its official website.
* The game and screen image is under development.
* For online battle play, you need to subscribe to Nintendo Switch Online
ⓒ Studio Dice / Shueisha TV Tokyo KONAMI
© Konami Digital Entertainment
We will update as soon as we learn more.
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