Character Bios

The Yu-Gi-Oh! series features an extensive cast of characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. The series takes place in a fictional city in Japan called Domino City, in which most of the characters that appear in the series originate.

Many plot elements are also influenced by Egypt and Egyptian mythology, and as such, Egyptian characters also appear within the story.

Anime Character Bios

Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cast

YuGiOh! Menu:

Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cast

YuGiOh! GX Menu:

Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Cast

YuGiOh! 5D’s Menu:


YuGiOh! Zexal Menu:

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Menu

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Menu

YuGiOh! Dark Side of Dimensions character bios YuGiOh! The Dark Side of Dimensions characters

Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions Menu

vrains character biosYu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Menu


Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS Menu


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