Tag Archives: Konami

YCS Memphis Champions!

True Draco and Pendulum Magician Decks have been at the forefront of recent competition, while Trickstar, World Chalice, Lightsworn, and Mekk-Knight Invoked Decks have shared in their success. But for the first weekend ever, the new cards in Structure Deck: Lair of Darkness are available for Duelists to use at YCS Memphis! Released just yesterday, this new Structure Deck introduces to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME a whole new theme built around the Lair of Darkness Field Spell Card!... Read More

Yu-Gi-Oh! Starter Deck: Codebreaker Release Announcement

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card GameStarter Deck: Codebreaker, available Friday, July 13 for $9.99, will feature powerful Link Monster additions such as Linkuriboh. In addition to high-demand cards used in current competition, the starter decks will include cards targeted at Duelists who want to hone their Link Summoning skills and perfect an integral Dueling strategy.... Read More

OTS Championships this weekend

The Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship is a way for Official Tournament Stores (OTS) to provide Duelists with a Store level Championship which offers Duelists the opportunity to earn invites to the World Championship Qualifier at one of our OTS. Yu-Gi-Oh! OTS Championship tournaments are held simultaneously throughout North and Latin America.... Read More